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EU Parliament: plenary meeting to address 2017’s challenges. Brexit, migration, terrorism, growth and employment

(Strasbourg) The plenary session of the European Parliament will go on today, after the election of the new president, with a voting round to choose the 14 deputy presidents, who support the chairman in the operations of the institution. Then, later today, this will be followed by a voting round to appoint five quaestors. Late in the morning, a debate will be held with the Maltese prime minister, Joseph Muscat, current EU president, and with the head of the EU Executive, Jean-Claude Juncker. The debate will be focussed on the six-month list of bills. In the afternoon, a debate will be held between the MEPs, the president of the European Council, Donald Tusk, and the deputy president of the EU Commission, Jyrki Katainen, about the challenges that Europe will have to face in 2017, such as Brexit, economic recovery, the EU investment plan to create employment, relationships with Russia, security, and migration.

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