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Dominicans: Fr. Cadoré (Master), “the greatest heresy today is to use God to gain power over others”

Roma 17-1-2017 Conferenza stampa di presentazione del congresso internazionale dell' ordine dei Domenicani Fra Bruno Cadore Ph: Cristian Gennari/Siciliani

“The greatest heresy today is to try to use God to gain power over others”. This is the conviction of Fr. Bruno Cadoré, Master of the Order of Friars Preachers (Dominicans), who made current the struggle carried out 800 years ago by Saint Dominic de Guzman. Speaking with the press at the Holy See Press Office on the occasion of the concluding celebrations of the 800th anniversary of the Order, Fr. Cadoré explained that the “heresy lies in making God say or do what He has not said or done”. “When this happens, we have to expose it”, warned the religious, following in the footsteps of the Founder. “Using God to gain power over others is the temptation of all of us, the greatest temptation that Saint Dominic wanted to fight”. A “temptation”, Fr. Cadoré told journalists, that “is not just about the terrorism of weapons, but about all those forces that use God to justify a human power, like the ideology of liberalism, saying that no other system is possible”.

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