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Holy Land: Zerey (Melkite Church of Jerusalem), may the Paris Conference “revive the ‘two peoples – two states solution’”

(from SIR’s correspondent in Bethlehem) “The ‘two peoples – two states solution’ is the only one that can let everyone live in peace”: this was said to SIR by monsignor Joseph Jules Zerey, apostolic vicar of Jerusalem for the Melkite Church, as he spoke about the International conference for peace in the Middle East that took place in Paris yesterday, on the initiative of French president Hollande. “We hope the Conference may result in the resumption of direct negotiations”, states the vicar, who does not forget to point out that “the problems of the Holy Land are political rather than religious. The international community, first and foremost the UN, must help Israelis and Palestinians talk to each other”. About the fears that the Daesh ideology may catch on in the Holy Land, too, mgr. Zerey is clear: “We are a minority that has been living amidst Muslims for centuries. We try to live as Christians in this Land, we have always been used to doing that. No Islamic radical ideology will prevent us living here, in the Holy Land. We firmly condemn the terrorist attacks, like the one that happened in Jerusalem a few days ago, wherever they come from”. Great help could be given to the Holy Land and the local Christian communities by pilgrimages. “Organising pilgrimages, pushing the faithful to come to Jesus’s places, to the roots of our faith, is one of the best ways to help Christians in the Holy Land”, says the Melkite vicar, repeating a concept expressed before to the Coordination of the Bishops for the Holy Land (Hlc), which brings together prelates from USA, EU, Canada and South-Africa, who are in Bethlehem these days for their traditional supportive visit. “To the bishops of the world, I say: send above all your young people to the Holy Land as pilgrims. A few years ago – mgr. Zerey points out – two thousand French boys and girls came with cardinal Vingt-Trois, and it was great. When the Holy Land is filled with young people, it smells of peace and hope. Our local Christians need it so badly”.

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