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EU: Bieńkowska (EU Commission), “a more effective service sector for citizens and businesses”. An initiative of the EU Executive

La commissaria Elżbieta Bieńkowska (foto SIR/CE)

(Brussels) “Services account for two thirds of the EU economy and create 90% of new jobs, but the single market – this precious asset that is too often taken for granted – does not work properly for services. This means missing on huge growth and employment potentials. New élan is given now to the service sector to turn Europe into a world centre for the supply, purchase and development of new services. This is the comment made by Elżbieta Bieńkowska, EU Commissioner in charge of the domestic market, on the initiative of the EU Commission, which presented a set of measures today “to make it easier for companies and professionals to supply services to a potential market of 500 million consumers in the EU”. “The proposed measures are intended to make it easier for service providers to fulfil administrative formalities and help the member states find which requirements are too burdensome or obsolete for professionals working on the domestic or cross-border markets”. The four effective measures adopted by the EU Commission today concern: a new European service e-card; considering whether national rules for professional services are commensurate; guidelines on national reforms on professional standards; better notification of national rules on services. For more information:



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