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Czech Republic: Catholic Church, 37 million euros for social and educational projects

The investment of the Catholic Church in the Czech Republic in projects and social activities in the areas of education, healthcare, social services and in the preservation of national cultural heritage exceeded one billion Czech crowns, that is to say, about 37 million euros (data for 2015). On the other hand, financial investment aimed at achieving an economic gain totalled 1.2 billion Czech crowns (44 million euros in 2015, whilst the figures for 2016 are yet to be analysed). “The state has been gradually reducing the funding of Churches and religious associations, and in 2030 support from state budget should reach zero. That is why the Catholic Church is preparing responsibly to reach self-sufficiency, so that there will always be enough money not only to fund her work and basic activities, but also to guarantee – in accordance with her mission – care to people in need, education and healthcare assistance”, Msgr. Jan Graubner, archbishop of Olomouc and vice-president of the Czech Bishops’ Conference explained. “It is crucial for us to think in economic terms, so that we can carry out our activities and provide our services for the benefit of the faithful and the whole Czech society”. For more information:

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