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Cardinal Bagnasco: visit to Brussels. “Populism does not solve problems, it feeds on them. A new global vision is needed”

(Brussels) Do you see the threat of a Fortress-Europe? “Yes, there may be that threat. Widespread fears” in public opinion may “push politics towards a more defensive side. But that would be a mistake. Also because no one has a magic bullet, no one can save themselves alone”. Addressing the journalists of SIR news agency, Avvenire and Rai present in Brussels, Card. Bagnasco focused on the topics of migration, the economic crisis, and terrorism. He warned against a progressive closure, against building walls, but encouraged to “address the fears and needs of citizens” with comprehensive, “effective” responses, capable of “producing results” for the good of citizens themselves. With regard to migrations, he highlighted “Italy’s role and commitment, which should be acknowledged at European level” also through “concrete, political and economic support”. According to the CEI and CCEE president, the political priorities for Europe should include “work, social security and welfare, and putting the family back at the centre”. Then some remarks about the rise of populism in Europe: “It is not an answer to the problems and challenges of our time. It takes advantage of and feeds on discontent, but cannot control it. Instead, we need a new synthesis, a global vision to look to the future with hope”.

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