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Cardinal Bagnasco: visit to Brussels. “May Christians be present in the public sphere, also to build Europe”

(Brussels) “It seems to me that Christians are becoming more aware of the need to engage” in the social and political spheres to “build the city of man”. “This also applies to the building of Europe as our common home”, said Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, Archbishop of Genoa and President of both the Italian Bishops’ Conference (CEI) and the CCEE (Council of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe), who is currently on a trip to Brussels accompanied by a group of priests from his diocese. At a press conference at the COMECE headquarters, the cardinal made an extensive analysis of the current situation of the Old Continent, also making some remarks about the role of Christians and the Church in public life. In this regard, he said: “For some time, Christians have somewhat alienated themselves from society, from politics. It was thought that a consistent personal witness would be sufficient. But that is not enough. Jesus told us that we have to be the salt and the leaven of the world, so we have to be there”. Card. Bagnasco then recalled the value of the social doctrine of the Church which reminds believers of the importance of commitment to the common good, something that, however, also requires “a rigorous formation”. “There is also a need to be able to give reasons for our values and beliefs”.

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