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European Union: EESC Civil Society Prize for supporting migrants

(Brussels) 9th September is the final deadline to submit applications for the 2016 EESC Civil Society Prize (European Economic and Social Committee) that intends to recognise civil society organisations or private citizens who “have significantly helped take up the challenge” of migration “by helping refugees and migrants, thus promoting European values and cohesion”. More specifically, the 2016 Civil Society Prize will be awarded “to earlier or current initiatives that meet one or more of the following criteria: providing migrants/refugees with first responses and immediate help; offering welfare services, housing and healthcare; providing concrete support and advice; fighting xenophobia, racism and discrimination; fighting exploitation and promoting mutual respect; raising awareness of rights and duties; educating third-country citizens and communities in the destination countries”. The 50 thousand euro prize, to be shared between up to 5 winners, will be given on 15th December 2016. The prize is open to civil society organisations officially registered in the EU and working on a European, regional or legal scale. Private citizens may apply too. For info or to apply, visit:

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