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Justice and Peace: meeting of the Conference of EU Commissions on security starting today

The international meeting of the Conference of EU Justice and Peace Commissions about security will be opening in Luxembourg today. “Is it a common good? How to protect it without endangering freedom and justice? What responsibilities and consequences in terms of international relationships, on taking in refugees who flee war, on the fight against terrorism, on the way the media, politics and science cope with their own and other people’s fears?”. These, as explained by the organisers, are “some of the items on the agenda”. The meeting will be chaired by the archbishop of Luxembourg and president of the Conference, Jean-Claude Hollerich, and will be opened tonight by a public lecture held by Koen Lenaerts, president of the EU Court of Justice about “Security in Europe: responsibilities of the States, the European Union and the citizens”. Then, the delegates of the 21 national Commissions will split into groups and will work at five themes, and a new public meeting will mark the end of the congress in the afternoon of Saturday 1st October. Topics will include the social doctrine of the Church (Gerhard Beestermöller, theologian), the defence and protection of peace (Major Philippe Majerus), food security (Jean Feyder, diplomat), cyber-security (Gabriele Lenzini, Centro interdisciplinare per la sicurezza), experiences in crisis zones and efforts for justice and peace (father Olivier Poquillon, secretary general of Comece).

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