Fr Jacques Hamel: Church where the priest was slain reopens on 2 October

The church of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray in Rouen, where Fr Jaques Hamel, 86, was brutally killed in a knife attack by two youngsters who broke into the church shouting “Allah Akbar” as he was celebrating the morning Mass on 26 July for an elderly couple, will reopen on Sunday 2 October. Two months after the dramatic events, the Church will reopen to the faithful with a Mass presided over by Mgr. Dominique Lebrun, Archbishop of Rouen. The Mass will be preceded by a penitential rite of reparation in accordance with the rules, as required in those cases in which a church has been somehow desecrated. The celebration will begin at 3.30pm close to the town hall of the village. From there, a procession will head towards the church. At Place de l’Eglise, the mayor of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, Hubert Wulfranc, and Archbishop Dominique Lebrun will both deliver a speech. Following their speeches, the participants will proceed in procession to the church where the parish priest, Fr. Auguste Moanda-Phuati, will welcome them. The mass following the penitential rite will be broadcast on TV by KTO and on the radio by RCF.

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