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Pope Francis: audience, “the Church is for everyone, the good and the bad”

“By dying on the cross as an innocent between two criminals, Jesus shows that God’s salvation can reach every man, in every situation, even the most negative and painful”. Pope Francis explained this in his general audience catechesis today, reiterating that “God’s salvation is for everyone, for everyone, no one excluded! This is why this Jubilee Year is a time of grace for all, the good and the bad, those who are healthy and those who are suffering”. Pope Francis went on to mention off the cuff “the parable told by Jesus of the wedding feast of the son of a powerful man; as the invitees do not want to attend, he tells his servants: ‘Go out, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find!’”. “We are all called: both the good and the bad!”, he continued off the cuff. “The Church is not just for the good, or those who seem good or believe they are good. The Church is for everyone, also and above all for the bad, because the Church is mercy”.

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