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Pope Francis: audience, be like the “good thief” who “was able to steal Heaven”. Jesus is “with the guilty”

“It is true, he was a thief, he truly was: he had robbed throughout his whole life, but in the end he repented of his actions, and looking at Jesus, so good and merciful, he was able to steal Heaven: this is a good thief!”. These off-the-cuff remarks by Pope Francis at today’s general audience catechesis about the figure of the so-called “good thief” were welcomed by a long applause. According to Pope Francis, the words of the good thief “are a wonderful example of repentance, an intensive catechesis for us to learn to ask for Jesus’ forgiveness”. First, the good thief “addresses his friend: ‘Have you no fear of God, for you are subject to the same condemnation?’”. “In this way, he stresses the starting point for repentance: which is not literally fear of God, but awe of God, filial awe”, the Pope explained. “It is not fear of God, but rather that reverence which we owe to God because He is God; it is a filial awe because He is our Father”. “The good thief – Pope Francis summed up – reminds us of the fundamental attitude that leads us to trust in God: the awareness of His almightiness and His infinite goodness. It is this trustful reverence that helps us to make room for God and to entrust ourselves to His mercy”. Then the good thief “proclaims Jesus’ innocence and openly confesses his guilt: ‘we have been condemned justly, for the sentence we received corresponds to our crimes, but this man has done nothing criminal’”. “Jesus is there, on the cross, to be with the guilty”, the Pope remarked. “Through His closeness, He offers them salvation. What is a scandal for the leaders, the bad thief, and for those who were there mocking Jesus, is for the good thief the foundation of his faith”. In this way, the good thief “becomes a witness to grace”: “The inconceivable has happened: God has loved me so much that He has died on the cross for me. The very faith of this man is the fruit of Christ’s grace: his eyes contemplate in the Crucified the love of God for him, a poor sinner”.

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