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Pope Francis: appeal “to the consciences of those responsible for the bombings” in Syria

“Once again my thoughts go to the beloved and martyred Syria”, Pope Francis said at the beginning of his appeal for peace in Syria, which he made today, almost entirely off the cuff, at the end of his General Audience, before greeting the Italian-speaking pilgrims. “Dramatic news continue to reach me concerning the fate of the people of Aleppo, with whom I feel united in suffering, through prayer and spiritual closeness”, the Pope said. “In expressing my deep sorrow and lively concern for what is happening in that already battered city – where children, the elderly, the sick, young and old, all are dying – I renew my appeal to everyone to commit themselves with all their strength to the protection of civilians as an imperative and urgent obligation”. “I appeal – the Pontiff concluded, always speaking off the cuff – to the consciences of those responsible for the bombings; they must answer before God” for their actions.

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