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Council of Europe: culture and the “Internet of Citizens” to overcome barriers. A workshop in Tallinn

(Strasbourg) “Culture 4D: digitisation, data, disaggregation, diversity”: this is the name of a workshop promoted by the Council of Europe in Tallinn, Estonia’s capital city, on 29th and 30th September, which “will provide a chance to reflect on how to make big data serve European culture and make interactions and the involvement of the different groups of the population possible”, to promote the “Internet of Citizens”. The event is organised as part of the Estonian presidency of the Council of Europe, in partnership with Tallinn University. “People in charge of cultural policies, cultural professionals, research workers, media and technology specialists, people from the economic world – the CoE points out – will provide an overview of those digital media that can raise the citizens awareness, overcome cultural barriers, and boost social inclusion”. The results will be included in the Council of Europe’s cultural digitisation policies. The two-day workshop has an extremely far-ranging calendar and will be opened by Estonian Minister of Culture Indrek Saar. Many guest speakers will be there, such as Philip Schlesinger (University of Glasgow, Scotland), Alison Powell (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK), Cornelius Puschmann (Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Germany), Divina Frau-Meigs (Sorbonne Nouvelle University, France).

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