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Poland: Lublin to host the Congress of Christian Culture. “Constructive dialogue between the Church and the modern world”

From 13th to 16th October, Lublin (Poland) will host the fifth Congress of Christian Culture, which will be opened by the president of the Pontifical Council of Culture, cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, who will speak of “Freedom as the pivot of Christian anthropology”. “Christianity can be a cultural inspiration even in a world that is leaving the Gospel behind”, stated monsignor Stanislaw Budzik as he presented the initiative, which “is part of constructive dialogue between the Church and the modern world”. The calendar of the Congress includes discussions on freedom of choice as well as the “Ukrainian revolution”, and the dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church. Giving the honorary degree of the Catholic University of Lublin to Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki will be “a particularly poignant moment” in the event, which, as announced by the organisers, “will bring to Lublin intellectuals interested in reflecting on man, his freedom and dignity”. Information on the Congress is available online, at

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