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Catholics-Orthodox: document on primacy and synodality approved. Mgr. Palmieri, “fruit of a long journey”

The Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church has approved a landmark document entitled “Synodality and Primacy during the First Millennium: Towards a Common Understanding in Service to the Unity of the Church”. The Plenary, held in Chieti from 16 to 21 September, was co-chaired by Card. Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and by the Archbishop of Telmessos Job Getcha, from the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, representing the Orthodox. In an interview with Vatican Radio, Mgr. Palmieri, Undersecretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, explained that “the document is the fruit of a long journey which started with the so-called Ravenna Document, approved in 2007. In it, Catholics and Orthodox, together, stressed the need for primacy in the Church at the local, regional and universal levels, as well as the need to agree on how such primacy should be exercised. Now in this document – which required a long work since it touches on one of the crucial issues in the dispute between Catholics and Orthodox –, we have an explanation of how primacy and synodality were structured during the First Millennium. And this model of the First Millennium now becomes a clue for solving those issues that are still outstanding between Catholics and Orthodox”.

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