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Secretariat for Communication: statute released today entering into force on 1 October

Nineteen articles divided into five chapters plus a preamble. This is the layout of the Statute of the Secretariat for Communication, approved “ad experimentum” (for a trial period of) three years and released today by the Holy See Press Office. The Holy Father establishes that the text shall be promulgated by publication in the newspaper “L’Osservatore Romano”, entering into force on 1 October 2016, and thereafter also published in the “Acta Apostolicae Sedis”. The preamble recalls that the “Secretariat for Communication is established to meet the needs of the current context of communications, characterized by the presence and development of digital media, and by the factors of convergence and interaction. This new situation demands a reorganization which, while appreciating what has been developed historically within the framework of communications of the Apostolic See, certainly moves towards a unified integration and management”. The first chapter defines the “nature and competence” of the Secretariat: “It is the Dicastery of the Roman Curia – Art. 1 reads – to which the Holy Father has entrusted the communications system of the Apostolic See, in accordance with the Motu Proprio ‘The current context of communications’ of 27 June 2015. The Secretariat, in structural unity and in compliance with relevant operational requirements, unifies all the realities of the Holy See that deal with communications, so that the whole system may respond coherently to the needs of the evangelizing mission of the Church”. Furthermore, “the Secretariat will adopt patterns, technical innovations and forms of communication that may arise in the future, integrating them into the very system at the service of the Holy See and its mission”. In the exercise of its functions – Art. 2 reads -, “the Secretariat works in cooperation with other competent Dicasteries, on the basis of subject matter, particularly with the Secretariat of State”.

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