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Ccee: Madrid, a meeting on the challenges of social inclusion (26-27 September)

In the light of the reflections started in the last few years, along with several ecclesial organisations, about the response of the Church to the intensive flows of refugees to Europe, and trying to set it in the context of the reflections for the Year of Mercy, on 26th September Madrid will be hosting the yearly meeting of the directors of the pastoral services for migrants in Europe (until 27th September). The meeting will mainly address, with the help of Comece, the European policies and dimensions of social inclusion, especially the pastoral dimension, from the perspective of those who come and from the perspective of those who receive: from looking for a job, a house, the raising of children and the personal and communal experience of one’s religion, as well as the relations between the immigrants who have already been socially included and the new arrivals. “In facing migration – states monsignor Duarte da Cunha, secretary general of Ccee – one must not only respond to challenges in terms of charity that are raised by those people who flee war zones or situations of total political and social instability, but also to the different stages of social inclusion: from humanitarian assistance to rehoming in a foreign land”. “Having an open cultural identity that is neither indifferent nor syncretistic, but dialoguing, aware that it does not only have a lot to give but also a lot to receive, belongs to the DNA of Europe – he goes on –, also shaped by its Christian roots”. The first day of the meeting will end with the celebration of the Eucharist in the parish church of “the Virgin of Silence” along with a diocesan delegation for the pastoral service for migrants of Madrid, officiated by the archbishop of the city, monsignor Carlos Osoro Sierra. The meeting (held behind closed doors) will end on 27th September with a Mass in the premises of the Spanish Bishops Conference, officiated by the president, cardinal Ricardo Blázquez Pérez. Items on the agenda will include people smuggling and Chinese immigrants in Europe.

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