Council of Europe: World Forum in Strasbourg on “Democracy and equality – does education matter?”

(Strasbourg) “Democracy and equality – does education matter?”: this is the title of the World Forum for Democracy promoted by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg from 7 to 9 November. “How can education help bridge the social divide and become a real asset for our diverse democracies? How and when do education systems impact on democracy? What innovative initiatives and practices can make education (both formal and non-formal) more democracy-centred? These are just some of the questions selected by the organisers that will be explored at the Forum by the 2,000 participants who have already registered and who will have the chance to attend 19 different labs during the three-day event. Speakers and experts at the Forum include politicians, civil rights activists, scholars, trainers, and young people. The World Forum is sponsored by the CoE, the French Government, the City of Strasbourg, and the Alsace-Champagne-Ardennes-Lorraine Region. For information and registration, please visit

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