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Portugal: Bishops’ Conference, the agenda of the next plenary in Fatima. Centenary of apparitions

At the end of the meeting with the Permanent Council of the Portuguese Bishops’ Conference (CEP), the spokesman of the bishops announced that the 190th plenary assembly of Fatima taking place from 7 to 10 November includes “drawing up a pastoral letter on the Centenary of the Apparitions of Mary (1917-2017), and a text dedicated to catechesis renewal”. In particular, the secretary of the Catholic episcopate added that the main purpose of the document called “Catechesis: the joy of meeting Jesus Christ” would be “to foster reflection on current catechesis, increasing the value of the contributions coming from pastoral agents and parents from all dioceses”. “Listening to them was very important because it marked development of a work proposal which has already been analysed by the Bishops’ Commission for Christian Education and the Doctrine of the Faith for one year; the proposal is meant to promote Christian education through family catechesis”, said Father Manuel Barbosa. Portuguese bishops will also dedicate one day to reflection on the apostolic post-synod exhortation “Amoris Letitia”. Finally, CEP will publish two “Pastoral Notes of Reflection”: the first one dedicated to the Vicenza Congregation of the Mission; and the second for the Holy Ghost Congregation (Spiritans).

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