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Life: FAFCE, surrogate maternity, “lack of transparency” at the Council of Europe. Demonstration in Paris tomorrow

Two demonstrations are taking place tomorrow before the headquarters of the Council of Europe in Paris. The 81 members of the Committee on social affairs, health and sustainable development of the Parliamentary Assembly will debate a surrogate maternity regulations proposal during a closed meeting. “We are deeply concerned with the lack of clarity and transparency in the procedure applied to the report”, it is said in a press release by the European Federation of Catholic Family Associations (FAFCE), “in spite of the remarkable interest of the civil society in this matter”. FAFCE is concerned “with the risk of using the noble concept of the best interest of the child to legitimise the practice of surrogacy”, although many European countries forbid this procedure and 110 thousand citizens have signed the No Maternity Traffic petition, already submitted to the Committee. The Committee promoting this Petition (including FAFCE) will be part of tomorrow’s demonstration in Paris, together with the “Collective for respect of the person”, to express their opposition to any kind of practice legitimising surrogacy. “The practice of surrogacy is of great concern for all FAFCE members. This practice is spreading throughout the world, creating a slippery slope towards the right to a child, and having no respect for human dignity or fundamental ethical principles”, wrote FAFCE in one of its resolutions.

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