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EU: Europe’s voice on migration at the UN HQ and in Montevideo. The week’s agenda

(Brussels) – The UN summit on migration, the outcome of the Russian election (with the victory of Putin’s Party and the drop in turnout), the new failure of Chancellor Merkel’s CDU in Berlin’s election, are some of the items on this week’s agenda. However, pride of place is given to the problem of migration, which has divided – along with the problems of security and economic growth – the 27 leaders of the EU countries, gathered in Bratislava on Friday. The deputy president of the EU Commission, Frans Timmermans, and the High Representative for Foreign Policy, Federica Mogherini, along with the president of the European Council Donald Tusk, are already at the UN Headquarters, in New York. Mogherini will also attend part of the UN Assembly, from tomorrow to 29th September, where the focus will be on the main geopolitical challenges of these days. The management of migration flows, along with trade relations, are also on the agenda of EuroLat – the Latin- American Parliamentary Assembly – taking place in Montevideo, Uruguay, from today to 22nd September.

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