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Germany: Berlin, March For Life. Card. Marx (Dbk), “respect for the dignity of every human life”

For tomorrow, Saturday 17th September, the German Federal Pro-Life Association has organised the yearly “March For Life”, due to take place in Berlin, with the motto “Everyone is equally precious”. The rally will support the protection of human life, from conception to natural death, and is against any interference in life and prenatal euthanasia. The president of the German Bishops Conference (Dbk), cardinal Reinhard Marx, archbishop of Munich-Freising, sent a message to welcome and encourage the participants: “The yearly march has put a clear mark of respect for the dignity of every human life”, Marx said. It is in particular the initiative in support of policies that protect unborn children that the cardinal pointed out: “in the controversial debate, it’s positive that many people may disagree in their conscience with a solution that is only meant as a form of abortion. This perspective must be strengthened”. Quoting the post-Synod apostolic exhortation “Amoris Laetitia”, Marx emphasised Pope Francis’ call to the fact that “only God knows the real identity of a child”. To find out more about the “March For Life”, visit

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