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Pope Francis: audience, pilgrims “cross the Door of Mercy to find Jesus”

Why do pilgrims cross the Door of Mercy? “To find Jesus; to find Jesus, His friendship, the rest that only Jesus can give”. Pope Francis made this off-the-cuff remark at today’s general audience catechesis, as he commented on Jesus’ “first imperative”: “Come to me!”. “Jesus speaks to those who labour and are burdened – Pope Francis explained – presenting Himself as the Servant of God described in the Book of Prophet Isaiah”. In the Pope’s words, the “discouraged in life” are “often found alongside the poor and the little ones in the Gospel”, that is, “those who have no means and are unable to count on powerful connections” and can therefore “only trust in God. They are aware of their humble and poor conditions, they know that they depend on the Lord’s mercy, and they expect from Him the only help they can get”. “In Jesus’ invitation – the Pope continued – they find an answer to their expectations: they become His disciples, welcoming the promise to find rest for their entire lives”. “A promise that at the end of the Gospel is extended to all peoples”, Pope Francis noted. “Therefore – Jesus tells the Apostles – go and make disciples of all nations”. “All over the world, pilgrims accept the invitation to celebrate this Jubilee Year of Mercy and cross the Door of Mercy which has been opened in cathedrals and shrines, in many churches across the world, in hospitals and in detention centres; all this to find Jesus, His friendship, the rest that only Jesus can give”, Pope Francis remarked. According to the Pontiff, “this journey mirrors the conversion of each disciple who wants to follow Jesus”. A “conversion that always lies in discovering the Lord’s mercy”, which is “great, infinite, and inexhaustible”. When crossing the Holy Door, the Pope explained, “we acknowledge that love is present in the world and that this love is more powerful than every form of evil in which man, mankind and the world are plunged”.

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