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Wall in Calais: UK Caritas (CSAN), “it will not provide a long-term solution”. Appeal to the EU

UK Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN) is “deeply concerned” by the proposal to build a wall near the Calais refugee camp. “We recognise the right of states to secure their borders – a statement reads – but we believe that investing more money in security at the port and Channel Tunnel will not provide a long-term solution to the growing problems at Calais”. As reported by the UK Caritas, “in the past months, the refugee camp in Calais has been growing. An estimated 9,000 people are now living in poor conditions in the camp, hoping to find a way to build their lives again”. Caritas organisations are cooperating in the field between France and the UK to provide assistance. “We reiterate our call for a EU response to the situation in Calais – CSAN writes – to respect the human dignity of Calais camp residents. In particular, we urge the EU, France and the UK to: provide for the basic needs of migrants, including those in transit, to guarantee their human dignity; improve solidarity and responsibility sharing among EU Member States” for the resettlement of asylum seekers; “prioritise the family reunification of asylum seekers in Calais with family members in the UK, particularly unaccompanied children; “give priority to protecting vulnerable people with particular attention to women and children”.

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