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Migration: “Jacques Delors” institute, “refugees, a European challenge”. A document with five plans

“The endless flows of migrants are an indivisible European challenge that calls for a joint response”: this is the key assumption that inspires the “Political Document”, which the “Jacques Delors” institute issued today, containing a few ideas for reforming the “Dublin Regulation”, a European asylum rights regulation that is no longer fit to cope with the massive flows of immigrants that came and are coming to Europe. In other words, the document, born of the Berlin branch of the Institute, contains five plans: “harmonising the rules through a European asylum charter” and an upgraded independent European agency; sharing responsibilities more fairly, through more effective rehoming plans; improving external border checks with “a truly European border and coastal guard” and upgrading cooperation in internal security; sharing responsibilities with the countries the immigrants come from and pass through by means of well thought-out financial support policies and legal access and repatriation programmes, and, lastly, sharing the financial burden with a “Schengen” fund in support of such measures. “The reform”, the authors, Henrik Enderlein and Nicole Koenig, write, “must start now. If the EU wants to defeat the centrifugal forces, then it must respond to the expectations of its citizens, who see migration as the number-one European challenge and are still waiting for a joint response”.

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