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Day of Creation: Ccee-Kek-Ecen, in Europe the Christian Churches pray together for Creation

Christians from all the churches existing in Europe, praying for Creation together. This is what the Council of European Bishops Conferences (Ccee), the Conference of European Churches (Kek) and the European Christian Environmental Network (Ecen) ask to do, in a joint statement issued today, called “Time for Creation – Let’s pray together to appreciate and take care of the gift of Creation”. The Statement has been signed by father Heikki Huttunen, secretary general of Kek, monsignor Duarte da Cunha, secretary general of Ccee, and rev. dr. Peter Pavlovic, secretary of Ecen. “We are confronted with urgent challenges – the leaders of the three European organisations write – in terms of environmental deterioration and climate change, and are encouraged by the words of Pope Francis’ encyclical letter Laudato si’ to acknowledge our shared responsibility. We warmly invite all European Christians, the member Churches of Kek and the bishops conferences of Ccee, the parishes, the ecclesial communities and every man of good will to join the Time for Creation, to celebrate Time for Creation together, as part of our own liturgical traditions, and to support our common Christian faith in God, the Creator. We urge you, each one in their own area, to offer up prayers for the gift of Creation”. “According to the Gospel – the Churches point out –, responsibility for the environment can never be disjointed from responsibility for other human beings. For our neighbours, for the poor, for the forgotten, all this in a true spirit of solidarity and love. Respecting Creation does not only mean protecting and safeguarding the earth, the water and the other components of the natural world. It also consists in expressing respect for the human beings who share those gifts and are responsible for them”.
For the occasion, the Churches propose a special prayer for Creation:
Oh Lord, teach us to take care of all Creation, protect any form of life, and share the fruits of the earth. Teach us to share our human efforts with our brothers and sisters, especially the poor and the needy.
Grant that we may stay faithful to your Gospel and joyfully offer our societies, in all countries, all over the continent, the horizon of a better future, full of justice, peace, love and beauty. Amen.

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