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EU Parliament: green lights to EU border and coast guard to respond to migration and crime

(Strasbourg) The European Parliament gives the green lights to the EU border and coast guard. With today’s vote at the plenary session, a very large majority of the MEPs confirmed their support of the agency that will take care of borders; now, only the European Council has to still give the go-ahead. This is about arranging a common border control system that brings together Frontex and the national authorities. Responsibilities for border control will still lie with the national states, which however, in a critical situation (disproportionate migratory pressure, extensive international crime), may ask the new Agency for help, and the Agency will be able to quickly deploy its teams. The allocated staff will amount to 1,500 people (they are in fact quick-response reserve teams)from the member states. Latvian MEP Artis Pabriks, who presented the measure, explains: “The rules of the border and coast guard Agency will make the EU’s borders safer and better managed. It is not a magic wand that can solve the refugee crisis, but it is a really necessary first step”. In addition, the Agency will play a more extensive role than the one played now by Frontex in repatriating migrants to their home countries, in compliance with their right to international protection. The Agency is expected to be in full swing by the end of the year.

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