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Brexit: Farage (Ukip), “we have got our sovereignty back, and now the prospects of the United Kingdom are rosy”

(Strasbourg) “An extraordinary victory of the citizens” against multinationals, banks and above all against the EU: “We have got our sovereignty back, and now the prospects of the United Kingdom are rosy”. Nigel Farage, leader of the anti-European party Ukip, the real winner of the Brexit referendum, is unstoppable. In Strasbourg, where he will remain an MEP until the end of his tenure, in 2019, he sums up the last 17 years in his life, all focussed on bringing his country out of the EU. “And I did”, he states, as smiling and self-possessed as usual. “We are not leaving Europe – he explains –, we are leaving the European Union”, with its institutions, its rules, “its impositions”. He predicts there will be a new euro crisis soon, “more money to Greece”, “the need to help the Italian banks that are on the verge of collapse”. He speaks of next year’s election in France and Germany, states that he will fight on the side of secessionist and anti-EU parties all over the continent. He admits some lies have been told in the Brexit campaign (including the notorious 350 million back from Brussels that would have been immediately reinvested in the British National Health System), then he tells the “many lies” that are told about the EU institutions. But what would happen if Brexit had negative repercussions on the economy and on the future of the United Kingdom? Farage rules that out: “The economy of the euro-zone will have more problems than us”.

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