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EU: Tusk (European Council), “many are unhappy” about EU integration. “Changes needed”

(Strasbourg) – “We must let the turmoil die down” for the United Kingdom to “tidily leave” the EU but “we must waste no time”, to respect the British citizens’ will and to defend the interests of the rest of Europe. Donald Tusk is restless: after the vote of 23rd June, Brexit has come top of the EU political agenda, despite the fact other real problems should be more urgently attended to, first and foremost the refugee crisis and economic recovery, not to forget the security issue and the 2017 budget. Now in Strasbourg to speak at the plenary session of the European Parliament, Tusk states that at the European Council of 28th and 29th June “the discussion was fairly cold”. The 27 heads of state and government of the European Union first listened to the British David Cameron, then after his departure “immediately started to work to define the procedure for the UK to leave the EU and to start reflecting on the future of the European Union”, which, Tusk admits, “needs changes”. “Too many people in the European Union are unhappy” about the EU process, and “we must effectively respond to such expectations”.

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