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CCEE: meeting of General Secretaries of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe. Mgr. Da Cunha, “capitalise on diversity”

“In this Year of Mercy and keeping in mind the three key words (integrate, dialogue, and generate) that Pope Francis used to point out the vocation of Europe in the day he received the Charlemagne Prize”, the General Secretaries of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe “discussed about solidarity with migrants and refugees (integrate), with the families (dialogue), and among the Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of the continent (generate). Sessions were held in a fraternal climate, bearing in mind the outcome of the Brexit referendum and the questions on which today discussions on the future of the European Union are focused”. This is what the Council of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (CCEE) said about the meeting that took place from 30 June to 3 July in Berlin at the invitation of the General Secretary of the German Bishops’ Conference (DBK), Fr. Hans Langendörfer. Works were opened by the CCEE General Secretary, Mgr. Duarte da Cunha, who recalled in his opening address that the CCEE, “before being an ecclesiastical body, is an opportunity, a training ground, where the leaders of the Church in Europe may exercise the communal discernment – often recalled by Pope Francis – aimed at identifying the real priorities of society, and consequently, of the Church in Europe”. “One of the main challenges” of CCEE “is, in fact, promoting social and ecclesial unity in a plural world”. It is about “capitalising on the diversity that characterizes our European continent”, and at the same time “about promoting an ecclesial symphony that makes each player co-responsible for the others”.

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