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WYD 2016: Fr. Remery (CCEE), “fruitful spiritual and cultural exchange”

Father Michel Remery, Vice Secretary General of the CCEE, in Krakow for WYD, says: “There are young people from all over Europe, Asia, Africa, America… You can exchange views with people from other countries and cultures, make new friends. This is very important”. “In Europe, for instance, there is much talk about migration at the moment, about people who come from realities very different from our own, but we hardly know them. At WYD, by contrast, you can experience dialogue yourself, there is a fruitful spiritual and cultural exchange, and getting to know one another helps people to understand each other, to see the current world and reality with different eyes”. What do young people think about what is going on in Europe and about the terrorist threat? “These events have certainly a huge impact on young people, who are very sensitive and let themselves be challenged by what is going on. And then they listen to what the Holy Father says on these topics. Young people, however, for the very fact they are young, can alternate between concern and great joy, between prayer for those who suffer and celebrations and songs – all this with remarkable openness and candour”. Are there some lessons for the Church in Europe? “I do hope that this sharing of experiences between generations, which is so typical of WYD, will remain in everyone’s heart. Here bridges are built between young people and adults, between young people and the priests and bishops who accompany them. We should bring this enthusiasm into the life of our communities back home”.

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