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Survey: Eurobarometer, “confidence in the EU, citizens are divided”. Yes to common migration, digital and energy policies

(Brussels) The survey conducted by Eurobarometer on public opinion in the 28 EU member states found occasionally inconsistent or downright different results. For instance, “two thirds of Europeans (66%) feel they are citizens of the European Union”, a “feeling” mentioned by the majority of respondents in 26 states. But the proportion of citizens who feel their voice “matters in Europe” is still steady at 38%. Even more uneven is their feeling of how much “they believe” in the EU (confidence), in its policies and institutions, in the effectiveness of its measures: Eurobarometer found that 33% of respondents believe in and trust the EU, 27% have a negative opinion of the EU, and lastly 38% have an “undefined” opinion of the EU. If we look into each section of the respondents’ questionnaires, we learn that “67% of Europeans say they would support a common European migration policy”. 79% of respondents would opt, instead, for the EU citizens’ free movement (for work, study, tourism) within the boundaries of the EU, the lowest number being that of the United Kingdom (63%; this finding was recorded one month before the Brexit referendum) and the highest one that of Latvia (95%). 56% of respondents think the economy should be supported by public investments; the same proportion of respondents would welcome a single digital market; “70% of Europeans think a common energy policy is needed”.

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