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WYD 2016: Msgr. Wiesmann (German church), “urgent need for this World Day”

“In a world tormented by terror, our hope is represented by these young people meeting in peace and unity. I hope mercy, unity in diversity and peace, will be the signs of this WYD, reaching all countries”, said Bishop of Speyer and President of the Commission for Youth of the German Bishops’ Conference (DBK) Karl-Heinz Wiesmann, , summarising the message and the burning issues of this WYD at the press conference in Cracow this morning. Over 15,500 young people from Germany are taking part in it. “We bishops are happy to meet young people to talk about faith and mercy in the Church and in society”, added the bishop. “The world is in urgent need for this WYD, where youth meet, coming from every corner of the Earth, singing and praying together, discussing and debating, and thus developing the meaning of what is necessary, at present”, said Father Dirk Bingener, President of the Youth Catholic Federation (BDKJ), who pointed out: “Cheerful and carefree meetings, as well as the warm hospitality of our Polish friends are really good!”. German pilgrims – said Paul Metzlaff (Youth Pastoral Office) – will have the opportunity to choose among 19 catecheses held by their bishops; debate groups on “mercy and justice”, and then vespers officiated by Bishop Wiesemann are taking place on Wednesday afternoon. “Nightfever”, adoration evening established by WYD Cologne, on Thursday evening.

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