WYD 2016: 1,600 participants from Ireland. 10 Bishops with them, including Mgr. Martin

1,600 young Irish pilgrims will be attending WYD in Krakow; 300 of them have left Dublin Airport this morning headed for Poland, where they will join their peers from all over the world. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin is leading the pilgrimage and will attend the event together with 9 other Irish Bishops. The young pilgrims from the Diocese of Dublin are from over 70 different parishes and secondary schools. “Each of them – a statement from the Diocese explains – has participated in a programme of preparation, involving prayer, spiritual reflection and practical training, including safeguarding”. The Dublin group will be staying in the parish of Kazimierza in Krakow. On Wednesday evening, all Irish pilgrims will join their Polish hosts in a special evening of prayer, music and reflection. Archbishop Martin, Bishop Donal Mc Keown (Derry), and Bishop Brendan Leahy (Limerick) are among a group of Bishops from around the world who have been invited to lead catechesis sessions during WYD.

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