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Turkey: Mgr. Tierrablanca (Apostolic Vicar of Istanbul), “people are scared, no normal life”, “it will take time to get back to normal”

“We are confused, people are worried about the tense situation”. In an interview with SIR, the Apostolic Vicar of Istanbul, Monsignor Rubén Tierrablanca Gonzalez, speaks of “a time difficult to understand” referring to the events in Turkey after the failed “coup” of Friday, 15 July. “This climate leads to aggressions and violence”, Mgr. Tierrablanca adds, highlighting that “in similar situations, one often feels authorized to damage also churches like the one of Fr. Andrea Santoro in Trabzon and Malatya”. “As religious leaders, we condemn violence and call for moderation”, the Franciscan priest goes on to say. “People are scared, you can see it around. You just need to take a walk around Istanbul to realize that it is not the same city; life does not go on as usual”, Mgr. Tierrablanca explains, adding that “it will take time to get back to normal”. In the situation of “uncertainty and confusion” in which Turkey seems to be plunged, “we as a Church are called to live dialogue, solidarity, fraternity and reconciliation every day”, says the apostolic vicar. “This is the best we can do for Turkey”, he concludes.

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