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Pope Francis: Angelus, “may no one again attempt to spill his brother’s blood”

“The pain of the massacre that has claimed the lives of so many innocent people last Thursday in Nice is still alive in our hearts”, said Pope Francis during the Angelus prayer. “I am close to each family and the entire French nation which is in mourning”, the Pontiff continued: “May God, the good Father, welcome all the victims in his peace, support the wounded and comfort their families. May He dissolve every project of terror and death, so that no man will ever again attempt to spill his brother’s blood. A fatherly and brotherly embrace to all the inhabitants of Nice and the entire French nation”. “And now, let us pray all together, thinking of that massacre, the victims, and their families. Let us pray first in silence”, the Pope said to the tens of thousands of faithful gathered in St Peter’s Square.

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