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Germany: spiritual and pastoral brochure for the Olympic and Paralympic team in Rio de Janeiro

Since 1972, during Munich Olympic Games, German Catholic and Protestant Churches have appointed some official pastors to accompany national team athletes. A spiritual and ecumenical brochure was published for the next Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro (5-21 August), and Paralympics (7-18 September). “Those who know about Games’ stress and frenzy, are also aware of the importance of calmness and reflection times, for picking up new energy”, says the introduction in the “Mittendrin” (In the Middle) magazine, distributed to all athletes in these days. President of the German Bishops’ Conference (DBK) Cardinal Reinhard Marx, and President of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strom pointed out the importance of the Olympic and Paralympic spirit: “You won’t be in emptiness. On the other hand, you will always have to grapple with the need to stay grounded”. Marx and Bedford-Strom refer to the double face of Brazil, which the athletes will meet: apart from beaches, precious natural reserves, samba, and of course, Olympic and Paralympic Games, there will also be favelas, economic and social contradictions. Therefore, “the sparks which may be found in the magazine have to be understood in terms of a book giving athletes biblical texts, prayers and meditations for spiritual exercise”, “to recharge batteries”.

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