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Germany: Visionauten in Aachen, young people seeking a better world

The Diocese of Aachen has launched a project to support young people wishing to commit to one year of voluntary social service. The Diocese has provided several flats for them to live this volunteering experience so that they may become “Visionauten – Young people who have a dream and are searching”: at the end of their studies, they need to understand which path to take and their professional and existential vocation. They live together in a flat for a year, seeking possible ways of expressing their faith. “They work on non-profit church projects, contributing their ideas and visions to build a better world”, reads the website The portal is a reference point for young people, not just in Aachen, who use the Year to make progress on important life matters and decide about their future. They serve young people, children, persons with disabilities, terminally ill persons, or international organisations, and their work is officially recognised as European Voluntary Service Year. “They need to decide what career they wish to pursue, but at the same time, they need to be aware that what matters is the way they wish to work in society”, says Fr. Christian Schröder, in charge of the pastoral care of vocations in the Diocese. At the core of the experience is the common house, where four young men and women live, and opportunities for mutual exchange at the premises of the “Kafarnaum” Youth Centre.

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