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Abuse: Cardinal Barbarin (Lyon) heard by the police for 10 hours yesterday

Yesterday, Archbishop of Lyon Cardinal Philippe Barbarin was heard by investigators for ten hours in relation to the preliminary inquiry open in March 2016 by the attorney’s office of Lyon regarding alleged covering responsibilities of the diocese for the case of Father Bernard Preynat, a paedophilic priest, banned in 2015 after denunciation by several victims.
It was made known through a press release by the diocese of Lyon, and the French press emphasised the news yesterday. The diocese reported a “free hearing” lasting ten hours from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. In its press release, the diocese says it was “usual inquiry practice”, and the Cardinal “went there with trust and serenity”.
“In line with his previous hearing (autumn 2015), Cardinal Barbarin gave investigators all information he knew. He will go on collaborating with them with full transparency”.
Cardinal Philippe Barbarin was referred to by former scouts saying they were sexually abused by Bernard Preynat. These facts are said to have taken place from 1986 to 1991, but the priest was suspended just in 2015. The magistrates in the French city opened a preliminary inquiry for missing denunciation of the priest accused of paedophilia, and thus, for endangering other people’s lives. The Cardinal defended himself by saying he was not the archbishop of the city at the time. Now it is up to the investigators to set times and responsibilities. In its press release, the diocese of Lyon says the Cardinal is praying for the victims, and “hopes that his testimony may bring to light truth and foster the action of magistrates”.
The Cardinal was interrogated just 4 days after publication of the Motu Proprio “As a Loving Mother” by Pope Francis, strengthening the Church’s commitment to protect minors, and saying that bishops neglecting sexual abuse of minors will be dismissed.

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