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Pope Francis: audience, the Christian life is like “the story of two lovers”

“What lies at the foundation of our faith? An act of mercy by which Jesus has bound us to Him. The Christian life is the answer to this love, it is like the story of two lovers”. Pope Francis explained this during today’s audience, completely dedicated to the account of the wedding at Cana, in which “God and man meet; they seek and find one another, and celebrate their love: like the lovers in the Song of Songs. What happens next is the consequence of this relationship”. In the account of John, the Church “is the family of Jesus, the recipient of His love”, and it is this love that “the Church wants to preserve and give to everyone”. The wedding feast at Cana is “a sort of entrance door, on which words and expressions are carved which enlighten the whole mystery of Christ, opening the hearts of the disciples to the faith”, the Pope explained. “Jesus bound to Him in a community those whom He had called to follow Him, and now they are all invited to the wedding feast as one family”, he remarked. “By starting his public ministry at the wedding of Cana – the Pontiff continued -, Jesus reveals Himself as the bridegroom of the people of God announced by the prophets, and shows us the depth of the relationship that unites us to Him: it is a new Covenant of love”.

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