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Congo: Pittella (EU Parliament), village murders, “risk of genocide. The International Community must step in”

Beni (Congo): un'immagine dei massacri in corso nella regione di Kivu

(Strasbourg) “Cruel, brutal images”, “beheaded people”, “a massacre, before which Europe and the world cannot just do nothing”. Gianni Pittella, leader of the Socialist and Democrat group at the European Parliament, reports from Strasbourg about “the carnage that is taking place in the Kivu region, in Congo”. “In particular the images we have taken in the city of Beni and that we can provide to the press show that in the eastern regions of Congo armed troops are murdering people in the indifference of the International Community”. Pittella speaks of the “risk of a new genocide, of ethnic cleansing”, prompted by economic interests, old fights between Hutu and Tutsi, and the interference of the neighbouring countries. Villages burnt down, whole families destroyed… “And no investigation – Pittella goes on – has been opened by the Congolese authorities. All this happens despite the presence of the UN Blue Beret Mission that is proving inadequate”. What ideas? “First and foremost, that the EU Representative for Foreign Policy starts an immediate investigation to throw light on the events; then a EU special delegate must be sent there. In addition, the EU states in the UN Security Council must make pressures to take a firm position. Lastly, as an S&D group, we propose that the EU Parliament should pass a resolution at the next plenary meeting, asking right now the other political parties to support it” so as to make Europe “take action”.

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