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UK: card. Nichols about abused EU workers, “inacceptable racism”. The vote divided the country

“This wave of racism and hatred is inacceptable and must not be tolerated”: this was stated by cardinal Vincent Nichols, president of the Bishops Conference of England and Wales, about a number of threats that have happened in the UK after the Brexit referendum of June 23rd, especially against EU immigrants. “We must reflect on what happened on these troubled days and carefully consider what must be done now”, explained the archbishop of Westminster, who added: “If we do not make way for Providence, society will withdraw into itself and will become much more self-centred and divided”. Then, a reflection that questions his country’s politicians: “I am sure every leader should reflect on our ability to listen to and give a voice to those who feel voiceless. We must find again a meaning for the goals of our living together”. And then: “The common good, which leaves no one out. Politicians, businessmen and bankers must do their job, but the key goal is building a world in which strength is used to serve others, and no one is left out”. Lastly: “If the winning of the referendum keeps dividing the country, we will become a weaker and weaker nation and we will not be able to play a role on the international political scene to face the big problems of the world”.

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