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Comece: EU foreign policy strategy is fine. Should be formally adopted too

(Brussels) The Commission of the EU Bishops Conferences (Comece) “welcomes with interest” the new European global strategy on foreign and security policy that the High Representative, Federica Mogherini, submitted to the European summit a few days ago, but thinks the European leaders’ “not having formally adopted it” is “deplorable”. A notice issued by the secretariat of Comece emphasises some points of the Strategy that the European Bishops liked: “an express reference to ‘preventative peace’ as the key priority of an integrated approach to conflict and crisis, an approach based on the concept of ‘human safety’”; “ideas for a coordinated use of political tools to promote justice and security”; the “need for more consistent policies and more coordination between the EU institutions and the member states”; a “sound, ambitious view of the EU’s role”; the acknowledgment that “dialogue and international diplomacy are important conflict-preventing tools”. As to the non-adoption of the document, the notice ends, “Comece hopes this will not reduce the efforts of the EU member states and the European institutions, which are jointly responsible for the actual implementation of such strategy”.

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