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Portugal: Setúbal, Youth Jubilee. “Celebrating the joy of belonging to Christ”

On July 7th, the Secretariat of the Youth Pastoral service of the diocese of Setúbal will celebrate the “Youth Jubilee 2016” in Almada, focussed on the theme: “Setúbal walking to Cracow”, which in the morning will only be open to the young people who will be taking part in the World Youth Day. The diocese says however that in the afternoon the Seminary of St Paul will also be open to “all those other young people who want to join in the initiative”, which will include many workshops organised by the diocesan youth groups and movements, followed by a pilgrimage to the Holy Door of the Sanctuary of Cristo Rei of Almada, where at 06.30 pm the bishop, mgr. José Ornelas, will officiate Mass in the chapel of the sanctuary. In addition, the 2016 Jubilee will include an informal dinner at 8.00 pm for the participants to get to know each other and socialise, followed by café chantant at 9.30 pm. “Celebrating the joy of being young and belonging to Christa” is the call made by the Youth Pastoral service of Setúbal, which says that people and groups can also register on line until July 3rd at: click here

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