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Comece: card. Marx says he’s “sorry” for Brexit. “Let the EU questions itself about its goals and duties”

(Brussels) “Of course, the British voters’ decision must be respected, even if we, Comece, are sorry about that”: these are the words with which today card. Reinhard Marx, president of the Commission of the EU Bishops Conferences, commented the outcome of the referendum, with which the UK leaves the EU. A decision that is “painful and has consequences on all of the other” member states, but the cardinal asks that “the many cultural and spiritual relationships that exist between us be retained, used and eventually developed”, since “Europe is more than the EU”. “A sense of responsibility and balance must inspire the future negotiations”, preventing the weaker ones in Great Britain and in the EU turning into “the victims of this process”. In another respect, card. Marx thinks that the EU “must look ahead” and question itself about its “goals and duties”, because the European Union “needs a new beginning” and to “rethink itself”. “Extensive social participation” will be needed, because Europe and the EU “are everyone’s responsibility”, and “only together can a better future be found”, instead of “withdrawing into self-reflection”. There’s also a “moral responsibility towards the world”, and it must be faced “together or side by side”. The Church will take part in the “debate on the future of Europe”, but it will fight nationalism, so that it will not turn into a factor of “exclusion, hostility and disagreement”.

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