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Brexit: Mr Longley (journalist), “EU and British leaders responsible for the vote”

Clifford Longley

(London) An unbridgeable gap between the British political establishment and ordinary people, impoverished by the economic crisis and globalisation. According to Clifford Longley, this is why the majority of UK citizens have voted for a Brexit. Mr Longley, a Catholic and a former religious correspondent for “The Times” and “The Daily Telegraph”, believes that “many people in the UK, especially from the white working-class, have not understood how mass migration from other European countries could help them to achieve a decent living standard”. “This is a concern that millionaire David Cameron and his rich fellow Tories have failed to address”, Mr Longley stated. “In fact, they have exacerbated the situation of those who see their jobs being taken by East European migrants, by cutting public services with a harsh austerity plan. Schools, hospitals, transport, social security, and the economy, weakened by the government’s austerity plan, are unable to cope with the pressure of about 200,000 new European migrants each year – a figure which is on the rise”. According to Mr Longley, “it is not just British politicians who are responsible for this vote. European leaders, too, are responsible for not having understood what was going on. They turned the free movement of workers into an inflexible dogma, without explaining to the British people why this free movement of people is so important”.

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