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Brexit: card. Nichols (Catholic leader), “A new epoch-marking moment, hard for everyone”. Staying open to migrants

(London) “A new epoch-marking moment, hard for everyone”: this is how the Catholic leader of England and Wales, cardinal Vincent Nichols, defined the new political and economic scenario, opened by the outcome of the Brexit referendum, with which the majority of the British chose to leave the European Union. In a statement made a few hours after the announcement of the results, the leader of the five million English and Welsh Catholics said that “The Bishops Conference prays that those who are busy in the hard task of respecting people’s will, as expressed at the polls, may work in a respectful and civilised way, beyond any deep difference in opinion, and that the more vulnerable ones be supported and protected, specially those who are easy preys to human trafficking and unprincipled employers”. In addition, the Archbishop of Westminster mentioned the “great democratic tradition of the United Kingdom of respecting the voters’ will”, and said we should pray for “our nations to build on the best traditions of generosity and openness to foreigners and the acceptance of the neediest ones”. The release of the leader of the Bishops Conference of England and Wales ends with a prayer, because “now we have to work hard to prove we are good neighbours and can decisively contribute to the international efforts in dealing with the most critical problems of our world”.

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