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Refugee Day: mgr. Hesse (Hamburg – Germany), ”a natural culture of acceptance was born in the country”

On World Refugee Day, the Catholic Church in Germany complained of a more unyielding climate, which tends to “brute force” against asylum seekers. At the same time, the German Bishops Conference insisted on the need to improve conditions, first and foremost, in the refugees’ home countries through more support from the other European countries. Germany thinks that “those who deny refugees their vulnerability and want to reduce freedom of religion for Muslims disavow the values of Germany’s Fundamental Law”, states a release of the High Commissioner for Refugees of the German Bishops Conference – Dbk, the archbishop of Hamburg, monsignor Stefan Hesse. The international community must not get used to the number of refugees “reaching a new negative record number” every year. Overall, Archbishop Hesse is confident in Germany’s ability to cope with the future challenges: “our country does not only have a high political and economic stability, it also has an active society”. According to Hesse, problems turn into a challenge: “that people from different cultural and religious backgrounds live together well in Germany has become a natural fact. A culture of acceptance was naturally born in many places, and it now must grow into a long-term culture of social inclusion”. Actually, “only if people feel appreciated and can play a significant role, can they successfully fit in, in our society”.

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