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Refugee Day: Caritas Europe to the EU, “there are possible, practicable solutions”

On World Refuge Day, which is celebrated today, Caritas Europe reminds the European Union that “there are possible, practicable solutions” to solve the situation of refugees – never worse than this year, with 65.3 million all over the world – the only things missing being “political will and commitment in support of human rights”. “The EU’s outsourcing of asylum and migratory policies under agreements with non-EU countries clearly shows there is no solidarity with the people who flee from wars and persecution”, they state. So Caritas Europe calls the EU and the member states to “invest in rescuing human lives at sea” (10,000 people dead since 2014), “open lawful, safe access to the EU, by introducing accessible and inexpensive humanitarian visas, and make more efforts for rehoming”; “promote refugees’ and migrants’ family reunions, by helping them fit in, in their new countries”; “stop outsourcing the EU’s migratory policies”; “stop using readmission and repatriation agreements as a prerequisite for development aids”. Caritas Europe, a network of 49 organisations based in 46 European countries, still believes “that the fundamental values of Europe, i.e. dignity, equality and respect for human rights, are not just empty words but actually mean more now than in the past”.

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